Since it's Thanksgiving, I though I would post about a few of the things that I'm thankful for.
I'm tankful for God, and his undying love for us.
I'm thankful for my awesome sauce family! Love you guys!
My funny little dog, Owen.

This is what he does when were waiting to go somewhere.
I'm thankful for my amazing friends that make me laugh, and put up with me!

This is Sage and I, in our matching barrettes. (Thanks Krista!)

This is me, Autry, and Jacob at our Halloween party. I'm trying really hard not to laugh in this picture, because in the other one I was laughing really hard. And notice none of us are wearing our costumes!
I'm thankful for great books that keep me up all night reading them. I noticed that I'm able to read a 350-450 page book in one day! Hence the keeping me up all night. ;) A few good ones that I've read recently are Divergent, The Hunger Games Trilogy, and Enclave. And of course Bleach, but that's an Anime series.
I'm thankful for music that I love to listen too, like Owl City, Queen, My Chemical Romance, Skrillex, House of Heroes, Nevershoutnever, Paramore, Mutemath, Lifehouse. Just to name a few.
I'm so thankful for much more, but this post is getting a bit long, and that Guitar Hero game is calling my name. (I didn't even mean to rhyme!) So with that, Have a great day, and eat a lot!