I love Americas next top model. I think I've been watching it since cycle 11, or 12. I like how many interesting faces you see on the show, every one is different. Also, I like how Tyra chooses plus size girls, and not just super skinny girls. I think just because your not a twig doesn't mean you cant model! One season, I actually saw a girl get voted off because she was WAY to skinny, and they thought she might send a negative image.
I also love watching the photo shoots, because they get to do some really cool stuff! Once they got to ride a camel, and another time they shot under water with some really flowy scarves. They got to pose in really tall stilts, and once they posed in massive dresses made out if recycled material, in a land fill. I've seen one where they posed with a baby leopard (I think it was a leopard), and they also got to pose hanging from wires, dressed as ninjas with all sorts of different weapons.
The only thing I don't like is the drama. But I think that's inevitable with a house full of a bunch of girls. =/
One of my all time favorite girls is Nicole. She was very quirky, and had awesome red hair, and she won her cycle. Here are some of her pictures!

I will be posting about some of the other girls I like. :)